Aalto-Led INCREDIT Selected In The EIT HEI Initiative

The INCREDIT (INterdisciplinary CReative EDucation In deep Tech) Project aims to increase the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of the consortium by building a consortium to support EIT HEI Initiative’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative based on the following approaches, 1) interdisciplinary approach, 2) practice-based collaboration, 3) life-wide learning opportunities and 4)

The INCREDIT (INterdisciplinary CReative EDucation In deep Tech) Project aims to increase the
innovation and entrepreneurial capacity of the consortium by building a consortium to support EIT HEI
Initiative’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative based on the following approaches, 1) interdisciplinary approach,
2) practice-based collaboration, 3) life-wide learning opportunities and 4) a well-networked and
integrated ecosystem.​
The project brings together 5 universities from 3 different countries (Finland: Aalto University, Hanken
School of Economics, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Sweden: Umeå University, and Spain:
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja), as well as a wide range of public, private, and non-governmental
organizations and institutions.​
The funding for this project, spread over two phases, will be € 750,000 and the total duration of the
project is 15 months (May 2023 – July 2024). At Aalto, this project will be coordinated by the Aalto
University Design Factory (School of Engineering) and supported by the IDBM Programme (School of
Business). Associated partners within this project include CERN (IdeaSquare at CERN), City of Espoo, the Finnish Venture Capital Association (Pääomasijoittajat ry), Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes), Linköping University, and SAAB AB.
“We’re excited to coordinate this consortium, bringing deep tech understanding and opportunities to a
wider range of talent for mutual benefit. To truly support the Deep Tech Talent Initiative, we need to
bring in students and professionals from all disciplines, including business and design, as well as
technology. We are leveraging and building an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach in INCREDIT to
create value for all stakeholders.” said Dr. Tua Björklund, Professor at Aalto University, and Principal
Investigator (PI) of the INCREDIT Consortium.

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