All types of violence against children and adolescents increased in 2022, according to the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security . Around the world, the number of victims can reach up to 1 billion, considering cases of sexual, emotional, physical violence and negligence. In Brazil alone, records show that around 102,000 individuals have gone through such situations.
An important piece of data for the debate on this scenario is the consideration that the increase in records does not necessarily represent an increase in cases. Betina Barros, a researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP and the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP), reflects that we still do not have a historical series long enough to say whether the increase in rates represents the elevation of occurrences or records. “To some extent, this increase may be related to a damming of records, that is, records that were not made during the period of social isolation”, she
Social questions
To discuss this scenario, it is also important to understand the different types of violence faced by
children and adolescents, since each of them presents itself in a different way. Debora Piccirillo, a
researcher at the Nucleus for the Study of Violence (NEV) at the University of São Paulo (USP), explains
that rape, a crime that recorded a record in the year 2022, for example, is a gendered crime, that is, it is
based the gender inequalities present in our society. “We’ve had years of attacks on women’s rights, of
disinvestment in public policies aimed at protecting women and promoting gender equality, which
influences girls’ lives and can, yes, impact rape data”, reflects the specialist.
Intentional violent death — which had a retreat between 2021 and 2022 — also seems to have specific
characteristics. In it, between the ages of 0 and 11 years, girls are the main victims and the crime usually
occurs at home, “that is, these deaths happen within a context of domestic violence that is also associated
with the situation of women in the country. Brazil”, adds Debora. Meanwhile, in the 12 to 17 age group,
boys are the main victims of deaths that occur in a context of urban and police violence — it is important
to note that, in all age groups, the black population is the most affected than any other. other racial group Betina Barros adds that the post-pandemic period, which had a context marked by the economic crisis, is also related to the increase in violence rates. “A context of more social conflict generates a greater risk situation for children […]. It is something that we see all over the world and we will need more time to identify the causes of this phenomenon”, she says.
Sexual violence
About 60% of victims of sexual violence in Brazil are aged up to 13, that is, they are victims of vulnerable
rape. Betina Barros explains that, historically, the profile of sexual violence in Brazil and in the world
mainly affects children. “ This places sexual violence as a very central issue in a system that mainly
victimizes women and that understands very young children as sexual objects […]. We are not talking
about a rape normally committed by a stranger, we are normally talking about rape that occurs in a family environment”, highlights the expert.
As well as general cases of violence, the increase in cases of sexual crimes seems to be directly related to
the increase in records and complaints; thus, it is noted that as the population gains greater awareness,
empowerment and education about the issue, the denunciations and the perception of the problem
become more frequent.
Another issue that can be highlighted about such violence is the age group of its victims, being possible to observe that mistreatment is very present between 5 and 9 years old, sexual exploitation between 14 and 17 and rape between 10 and 13. Debora also points out that crimes committed against younger children tend to be more frequently reported, while those committed against adolescents seem to be more tolerated.
The consequences that violence has on the lives of children and adolescents are countless and directly
affect the social and cognitive development of the victims. According to Debora, it is clear that they range
from social difficulties — involving interaction with other individuals and sociability issues — to learning
and behavioral difficulties. “Violence is not just a problem the moment it occurs, it becomes a long-term issue. So you have a direct damage to the victim, which is quite serious in terms of citizenship and society failing to guarantee basic rights to all its citizens, regardless of their age, ”she says.
In addition, some studies indicate that people who are victims of violence, especially when it happens in
childhood, can, in a way, naturalize this practice, also becoming perpetrators of violence in the future.
“This does not mean that everyone who suffers violence will necessarily become an aggressor, but it is an
element that can collaborate with future behavior”, he adds.
Betina Barros reflects that the cycle of violence initiated from these cases should be discussed so that
trained people — ranging from the school environment to public policies as a whole — can act so that such situations do not become permanent traumas.
Public policy
To prevent the advance of violence against children and adolescents, some public actions are necessary,
thus, the specialist comments that a social pact must be established between civil society, the police,
health equipment and the school, in the sense of be completely against any and all forms of violence
against this group.
“Many times, they think that, because it is a child, the responsibility and education of this child are
exclusively directed to the parents, and that is not how the Statute of the Child and Adolescent
recommends. The education of a child is everyone’s responsibility, including the State and society”,
declares Betina.
In this way, people should stop associating the use of violence as a form of the education process, and it is necessary to consolidate this idea in general thinking. The identification of cases is another part of this
process that deserves greater attention, since prevention involves the qualification of professionals for
the quickest identification of certain signs.
Finally, Debora reflects that the consideration and understanding that there are gender and racial issues
involved in this whole process are essential to the search for an end to the growth of these cases. “It is
necessary to look at each type of violence and produce policies focused on these cases and not think
about violence in a homogeneous way”, she concludes.