How CBSE, CISCE 12th Result is to be calculated? And other FAQs about CBSE, CISCE 12th Result
What you need to know about CBSE, CISCE 12th Result 2021:
CBSE Result Criteria:
On 17th June, The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) presented an affidavit in the Supreme Court will announcing that its results will be based on the three-year performance of a student Class 10,11 and 12.
Class 12 Marks Assessment:
- Weightage of 40% will be given to class 12 marks.
- Class 12 marks will be counted based on the exams held like include pre-boards, internals, unit tests etc.
- Schools can decide to take one or more than one paper as their selection criteria.
- To finalize result-related matters, a five-member committee will be formed in each school.
Class 10, 11 Marks Assessment:
- Weightage of 30% each will be given to class 10 and 11 marks.
- Marks will be given based on, the average of best of three marks out of total of five subjects.
- “The Result committee” will be there for each of the schools to rule out advantages to students in some schools.
With the go ahead from Supreme Court The final result for CBSE will be announced by July 31.
CISCE Result Criteria:
- On the other hand for 12th CISCE The Council will take into consideration the six years’ performance instead of three.
- CISCE result will be declared by July 20 and students unhappy with the result can appear for written exams.
FAQs About 12th Result:
Who will calculate result?
- The Result Committee will do the result calculation, uploading, and other result-related matters.
- Its mandatory to have a result committee. The result committee will constitute five members – the principal of the school who will also be the chairperson of the committee, two senior-most teachers of the school, teaching class 12, two teachers from neighbouring senior secondary schools teaching class 12 co-opted as external members.
- The result committee may also invite a teacher with IT background for full-time assistance in the computation of results.
- Subject teacher(s) shall be present in committee for deliberations as and when the performance of their subject and students is being discussed and recorded.
Why three-year data?
- CBSE is evaluating marks based on assessment for Class 12 are the results of unit tests, mid-term exams, pre-board examinations conducted by schools.
- CBSE thinks that due to the nature of online examinations from homes, and differential access to digital infrastructure, solely relying on these scores is not prudent.
What if a student fails?
- If a student has failed to obtain the minimum passing marks or wishes to appear for a written exam and is not happy with marks given by the board based on special criteria. These students will get a chance to appear for a written exam at a later stage.
- In case, any student is not able to meet the qualifying criterion, s/he will be placed in the “Essential Repeat” or “Compartment” Category
What if School Does not Have Past Three Year Data?
- Students who had changed their schools and are appearing for the board for the first time in their current school, such schools will not have data of past three-year of a student. In such a case, the Board will provide the historical data.
- Schools that have switched over from other Boards will also have the option to take their performance in their respective Boards during the previous year subject to approval by CBSE.
- Other schools will be shown data of their group of schools at the district, state, and national averages of last three years’ performance in the Board Exams
What if schools inflate marks?
- As schools have to mark their own students. Some might inflate the marks too, however, to keep a check on this CBSE has set some rules. In each subject, schools are allowed to give marks in the range of +/- 5 marks obtained by the students.
- The overall average marks for the school assessed should not exceed the overall average marks obtained by the school by two marks in the specific reference year, as per the rules decided.
How will uniformity be maintained across Schools?
- As marks of class 10 and class 11 component will be awarded at the school level, they will strictly not be comparable across schools due to the variations in the quality of question papers, the evaluation standard, and processes, the mode of conduct of exams etc.
- Therefore, to ensure standardization, each school will have to internally moderate the marks to account for the school level variations by using a reliable reference standard.
What about private, repeater candidates?
- For private, and second chance compartment candidates, CBSE will hold exams “when the conditions become conducive for the conduct of such examinations. The details will be notified in due course,” said the board.
How can one verify result?
- All the schools will seal the records of the students along with the Rationale document under the signature of all members of the Committee and these should be kept in the safe custody of the Principal of the school for subsequent verification.
- The evidence towards the performance of the student in the internal tests/exams conducted by the school should be documented student-wise and maintained in a secure manner. These documents may be called upon for subsequent verification as per the instructions of the Board.