When Will It End? Coronavirus an ENDEMIC
“Eradication of the Virus right now from the World is Lot like trying to Plan the Construction of a Stepping-Stone Pathway to the Moon.”
A Recent Survey by “Nature” Journal shows, many scientists expect SARS=CoV-2 is HERE to STAY. But with a hope to pose lesser danger over time.
Children with their backpacks walking to schools, kids playing in parks in the after hours while parents at the side benches discussing the Recent on NETFLIX. Pubs bursting with celebration on Premiere League Nights or Night Clubs Buzzing on a Friday Evening. The glimpse seems a distant dream. A beautiful dream most scientists think improbable.
On recent survey, with over 100 Immunologist, Infectious Disease Researchers and Virologists working on Coronavirus, 90% of respondents think Coronavirus will become endemic- meaning it will continue to circulate in pockets of the globe for years to come. To them the future will depend heavily on the type of immunization people would acquire in time through infection or vaccination and how the virus evolves itself. To be more direct, scientist believe, with annual vaccine and acquired immunity the societies will be able to bring down the seasonal deaths and illness due Coronavirus in years to come. “The virus becoming endemic is likely, but the pattern that it will take is hard to predict” says Angela Rasmussen, virologist from Georgetwon University.
Future of The Endemic:
Five years from now, when child care centers call up parent to tell them that their child has a runny nose and fever, COVID-19 pandemic might seem a distant memory. But there’s chances, the virus that killed 4 million populations in 2021 alone will be the culprit. This is one scenario that the scientist foresees for SAR-CoV-2. The Virus stick around, but once people develop some immunity to it- either by infection or by vaccination- they wont come down with severe symptoms.
Achieving Herd Immunity, or elimination of transmission through vaccination seems difficult to achieve. Pfizer Inc. vaccine with around 95% effectiveness, is still unable to control transmission rates or even enough herd immunity after vaccination as with the modified strands. Rather scientist have noticed that the coronavirus has become more transmissible deadly in recent months.
When will COIVD-19 end?
Public Health Experts say, they do not have an Answer. But they are sure about one thing, COVID-19 is never going to END. Its now seems poised to become and Endemic disease- “It’s pretty unrealistic to think that we can eliminate a virus from both the human population and from its natural reservoirs,” Dr. Anita McElroy of the University of Pittsburgh School. One that is always will be a part of our environment, no matter what we do!
We Need to Control. We need to get Immune.